Welcome Judges!
If you are here, congratulations! This means you have been chosen as a person with a discerning eye and exquisite taste.
Your task today is to bring your talents to judge the 2022 Gingerbread House Decorating Contest.
Our contestants have been chosen from among some of the finest artisans in the world. Their talent may momentarily take your breath away. Please, take a moment to compose yourself and then text back your first and second choice winners in your esteemed opinion.
We have randomly assigned each artist’s spectacular entry with a color to identify it. This year the entries are identified as BLUE, RED and YELLOW. Therefore, you need only text two words: two colors in the order in which you decree the winner and second place, i.e, texting back with Yellow, Blue would indicate you decided entry Yellow is your first place choice, and entry Blue is your choice for runner up.
Please scroll down to begin your important job of judging.
Thank you for your time and good taste!

ENTRY YELLOW – 2nd Place

ENTRY RED – 3rd Place

Please text back your top two choices now. Operators are standing by!